Important questions to ask your hairstylist

Important questions to ask your hairstylist

Posted by Meerika Khanna on

As much as you ask Google about your hair - How to tie a fishtail braid? Best hairstyles for me? Well, there are certain things Google cannot answer for you. Namely, unique questions about your particular hair. If you have dry and unruly hair, you cannot use the same hair tips as your friend does. Hence, your treatment should and would be different from others. 

Following is a list of a few questions you should be asking your hairstylist (only if you want healthy hair). 

1. What kind of shampoo and conditioner should I use?

This is a very important question and hence must be paid a lot of attention. Your hairstylist will be the perfect person to answer this for you. No matter if you have curly, coloured hair, split ends, or anything else. The shampoo and conditioner you use make a huge difference to your hair. So, make sure you do your hair justice and go for the right ones!

2. What is the best way to style my hair?

Trying to style your hair in a natural way could be quite challenging. That is the reason we suggest asking your hairstylist for the same. During those haircut and hair colouring sessions, ask about the natural styles that'd suit you. Instead of sticking with the same style again, leave the comfort zone after discussing with the stylist. The style that will suit you depends a lot on your hair type and face shape too.

3. How often should I shampoo my hair?

Think of your hair just like your skin- there is no one-routine-for-all solution. It's the same way for the hair. People with some kind of hair need to exfoliate more than others. Likewise, people with different hair are advised differently with how often they should shampoo their hair. Your hairstylist can recommend a routine after examining your hair, dryness level, presence of dandruff, etc.

4. What is the best brush for my hair type?

Avoid mindlessly using the first brush you come across at your home or anywhere else. Every hair type is different, and so do the tools that should be used on them. There are several different types of hairbrush options out there. Make sure yours is the best suited to your hair texture and scalp needs.

5. How is the overall health of my hair and scalp?

This is the first thing you should consult your hairstylist with. Give attention to the health of your hair and ask your stylist about the same. As per the experts, "Ask your stylist to rate your hair and scalp on a scale of one to five". They can recommend hair care products that will bring you closer to a five. Take this as feedback and then work on it to get your hair and scalp closer to a five.

These were just a few common questions that should definitely be asked by you. A hairstylist gets the full view of your hair and scalp. Hence, their feedback can prove out to be extremely vital.

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