The role of diet and nutrition in preventing hair fall

Posted by Anjali Tiwari on

Hair loss is one of the most common problems faced by both men and women. However, hair fall is more common in women than men and can be caused by several factors, including stress, pregnancy, childbirth, genetics, hormonal imbalances, and aging. However, many other factors contribute to hair loss and thinning hair.

Hair loss can be attributed to poor nutrition and other environmental factors such as pollution and chemical exposure.

Nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining healthy hair and scalp. Conversely, inadequate nutrients can lead to hair loss. The nutrients that are most important for healthy hair include:

Vitamin B6 - This vitamin helps prevent premature graying of the hair and promotes the growth of new hair cells. It also plays an essential role in protein metabolism and skin health. Vitamin B6 deficiency can lead to thinning of the scalp hair shafts, which results in brittle hair that breaks easily due to mechanical stress or combing/brushing.

Iron - Iron deficiency leads to anemia which affects circulation throughout your body, including your scalp causing hypopigmentation (pale skin), increased susceptibility to infection, fatigue, and low energy levels resulting in thinning of the head.

Omega-3 fatty acids - People who consume more omega-3 fatty acids in their diet have been shown to have less hair fall than those who do not consume enough. Some good sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish oil capsules, flaxseed oil, and chia seeds.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C helps promote collagen, which is important for strong and healthy hair growth. Vitamin C is found in fruits such as oranges and berries, which are good sources of this nutrient.

Vitamin A - Vitamin A helps strengthen the roots of your hair and prevents breakage and excessive shedding. To obtain this vitamin, you can consume carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkin seeds, spinach and kale.

Eat foods rich in zinc - Zinc is an essential mineral that helps stimulate healthy cell division in the body. Zinc-rich foods can prevent hair fall by promoting the growth of new hairs at the root of the scalp and protecting existing ones from damage due to environmental factors like pollution or heat styling tools such as blow dryers or flat irons. Some good sources of zinc include oysters, mussels; beef liver; cashews; chickpeas; sunflower seeds.

We know that diet is not the only factor in preventing hair fall; there are several other factors too. But it is an excellent way to even out your vitamin and mineral levels and avoid any potential deficiencies, which will make all the difference in your hair growth journey.

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